SinoGNSS N2 Palm RTK
Compatible with most of Android devices
Easier survey workflow via Wizard function
Support up to 60° IMU tilt compensation
Support all survey modes, including Static, PPK and RTK
Support Surface Stake, Mapping Survey and etc. to serve various survey tasks
Support CAD import and directly use for stake out operations
Support Convert function from ComNavBinary raw file to RINEX
Signal Tracking
- Channel: 1590
- GPS: L1C/A, L1C, L2P, L2C, L5
- BDS: B1I, B2I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b
- GLONASS: G1, G2, G3
- Galileo: E1, E5a, E5b, E6c, E5 AltBOC
- QZSS: L1C/A, L2C, L5,L1C
Performance Specification
- Signal Re-acquisition≤1s
- Cold Start: ≤45s
- Hot start: ≤15 s
- RTK Initialization Time: <10s
- Initialization reliability: ≥99%
- Internal Memory1
: 8GB
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